Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Goals

  1. ImprovedĀ representation of diverse talent
  2. Clearer indication ofĀ barriersĀ to EDI and solutions to remove them
  3. Engagement and participation in EDI initiatives
  4. Enhanced employee experience
  5. Greater cross-functional collaboration in solution development and innovation
  6. Greater member/external partner satisfaction

Our Journey

Organizational commitment

  • Developed and executed a communication strategy to boost awareness
  • Formed an employee EDI Champion Committee and Council

An international pot luck – one of the events organized by our EDI Champion Committee.

An EDI workshop presented by Dr. Tanya (Toni) De Mello during one of our Professional Development Days.

Equity, diversity, inclusion training during our Professional Development Days

EDI awareness and competency

  • Conducted training on inclusive leadership and conscious inclusion
  • EDI training included as part of new employee onboarding

High quality diverse talent

  • Ensured inclusive recruitment practices

Some of our employees wearing orange in honour of National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.

We now provide guests and employees a baby changing station and Quiet Room for prayer or meditation.


  • Enhanced building facilities

External outreach and social responsibility

  • Aligned Community Investment Initiatives with ESG and EDI Focus Areas

Employees volunteer at the Cambridge Food Bank.


Whatā€™s next?

  • Create an EDI Scorecard to measure our actions
  • Evolve succession planning
  • Share our EDI learnings with interested partners